Sculptures by Vig Scholma

Relief sculptures date from 2013 and 2014.

Other works are from earlier years.

1.  Title: “Nobility”

Size: 46×43 cm

Material: Low relief sculpture in bronze.

Nobility is a quality we are genuinely missing in our present society. Noble is a man who is ready to defend with his life the spiritual values that he stands for. He has the capacity to destroy , signified by the left hand and the tip of the sword , and he has the capacity to create, signified by the right hand , and he is fully aware where his power is rooted.


2.  Title: “Sensitivity”

Size: 46×34 cm

Material: Low relief sculpture in bronze.

Real sensitivity has a woman whose body   heart and mind are an undivided and integrated whole. She knows when and when not to trust.

3. Title: “ Furor Teutonicus”

Size:  40×46 cm

Material:  Low relief sculpture in bronze.

The tribe of Teutons are wellknown for their ability to be “possessed “ or “taken away” in the service of a higher purpose.

This pagan capacity, repressed by a two thousand year Christian conditioning, is slumbering in the depths of the psyche, and is going to arise like the bird phoenix out of its ashes.

4. Title: “Divine Whisperings”

Size:  35×52 cm

Material:  Low relief sculpture in bronze

Divine whisperings are the communications that happen when in a moment of  totality and innocence one listens in a shell. Wondrous worlds are opening, the sound of waves on the beach………

5.  Title: “Spirit Rebellious”

Size:  40×58  cm

Material: Low relief sculpture  in bronze

To be able to say authentically “No” one has to come from ones instinctual and emotional roots.

6.  Title: “Mahatrimurti”

Size:  : Diameter=75 cm

Material: Low relief sculpture in bronze:

This is the ultimate Tantric symbol. Tantrism is a spiritual path cultivated in India and is part of an Indo-Germanic pagan history. Its goal is to realise inner harmony and wellbeing, and bring one back into the wholeness of life.

For the western man the time has come to realise that the much needed communication between male and female can happen only through first contacting one´s inner centre that contains both male and female qualities.


A Selection of Reliefsculptures by Vig

Overview Artwork:
Vig ´s interest mainly lies in the human figure. Through his medium of freehand drawing he absorbs forms and thus developes his designs for sculptures and paintings.
In the beginning of his professional career his extensive study by rapid sketching at dance rehearsals of the National Ballet in Amsterdam and other dance companies, resulted in a deep understanding of the human anatomy in movement and has led to bronze dancer statues.
During this time he also mastered the art of bronze casting so that in his works there is an integration of all the skills needed to command expression.
The selling of his sculptures and drawings has been mostly through art galleries in Amsterdam and The Hague in the Netherlands. Along with his sculptures his drawings were exhibited frequently in the Netherlands as well as in Germany and India.
During Vig ´s extensive travels in India from 1993 till 1999, a new language of organic forms emerged in his work. Using linear patterns and organic motifs Vig created a series of symbols in sculptured low reliefs.
After having deeply studied the wisdom and the healing practices of the Indian and Tibetan sages he returned to Europe and came to the conclusion that his artistic vision and instincts did not fit anymore in the modern mainstream “art” of Europe, confirming his decades long intuition that it is in a process of decay and is losing all spiritual qualities.
The way forward was an intellectual and artistic inquiry into the roots of the creativity of the European peoples. This led to Vig´s conclusion that the European creativity was led astray by the Judeo-Christian values that have dominated the continent too long.
The last years Vig is creating a series of images in low relief sculptures, his favourite technique. Relief sculpture is the arch form of all sculpture, and allows the expression of the connectedness of things and beings with their environment, a dimension which fails altogether in the present European culture.