1. Could you
please introduce yourself to our readers? Please tell us
something about your activities in Russia.
First of all, I would like to thank you, Mr. von
Hoffmeister, for organizing this interview. Let us
glorify the gods of our race. Let them protect our
meeting. What can I, shortly, tell you about myself? My
complete name is Pavel Vladimirovich Tulaev. I was born
in Krasnodar (southern Russia) in 1959, and I was
educated in Moscow. Today I am well known as a publisher
(editor-in-chief) of THE ATHENAEUM, a Russian New Right
international review.
My personal life was not
conventional and easy. I lived in various countries and
cities: Vienna, Sochi, Canberra, Seville, Utica. I
started my career as a linguist and a poet. Then I
earned a doctorate in History and wrote some theses
about Russia, Europe, Latin America, and the USA.
(ILLUSTRATION: Mr. Tulaev today.)
I have
published more than 100 publications in different
languages and styles. The very important books are:
Understanding the Russian World, Russia and
Spain (published only in part), Veneti: Ancestors
of Slavs and [translations of] four volumes by
Anthony Sutton, the famous American conspirologist.
Before THE ATHENAEUM, I was the head of NASLEDIYE
PREDKOV (Ancestral Heritage) and produced eight issues
of this Pagan magazine. My recent publications are
can find more information on my site ateney.ru
and the Slavic portal http://ateney.ru/rodoved (that I publish with the
help of my wife Galyna Lozko, the Pagan leader from the
2. You are a Russian nationalist
and a pan-Europeanist. In your opinion, how do these two
seemingly divergent views correlate?
I used
to be a Russian nationalist when we were fighting
against the stupidities of the Communist regime. I
always admired the great Russian history and culture. In
1993, I was invited to the USA to give lectures on
Russian civilization. But now I understand clearly that
any nationalism is not enough for our renaissance. Very
often extreme nationalists of neighboring countries
become opponents and even enemies. So we need to be more
open and responsible for the White world as a whole
organism. That's why I participate in the pan-European
movement as vice-president of SYNERGIES EUROPEENES and
as a member of the Slavic Committee in Russia. Everyone
should care about his fatherland first and then about
his race.
3. What do you think the prospects
for German-Russian relations are at the moment?
Right now they are good and pretty close.
President Putin, who speaks German fluently, meets often
with Chancellor Schroeder to resolve bilateral problems.
But one day these leaders will leave, and who can
guarantee that the current course will be adhered to?
Our peoples were always in contact throughout history --
good or bad -- and have a lot of common interests
nowadays. Germany occupies old Slavic lands in the East.
Russian culture, especially philosophy, was strongly
influenced by German thinkers, such as Hegel, Nietzsche
and Heidegger. The socialist movement had started in
Germany (before Russia), though the leaders of the Third
Reich learned from the experience of the USSR.
After the victory in 1945 and a long period of
Soviet occupation in the GDR, our government let your
people reunite Germany. Please realize that it was a
good gesture, a big gift and a political compromise. In
the same way Germans should understand that modern
Russia has become a divided nation. The very heart of
the old Rus state has broken into three big pieces now:
Great Russia, White Russia, and the Ukraine (its
historical name was Rus or Little Russia). If Germany
wants to have a strategic partner in the East, it must
leave the aggressive NATO alliance and support a
friendly Russia. Your intellectuals can read more
arguments and details about this question in my
4. I
have heard that you are called 'Buyan.' Is that a Pagan
name? What does it mean? What meaning can Paganism have
in the modern White world?
Yes, my Pagan
name is Buyan. It is the name of the legendary Russian
mystical island, the sacred place of magic forces, like
Ultima Thule for Germans. I received this important name
through my initiation into the Pagan circle. Now it has
become an official Heathen confession. We call it
Rodnaya Vera (Native Faith). When I write some
esoteric, neo-archaic or spiritual texts, I always use
this name. Many of my close friends do the same. For
example, my wife's Pagan name is Zoreslava. It means
"Glory to the Dawn." We work and fight together for a
Traditionalist and New Right alternative to the modern
degeneration. We carefully study the ancient
pre-Christian world, make Heathen reconstructions of
rituals and festivals, publish Pagan books, magazines,
newspapers, and Web sites.
You may call our revolution Aryan or White --
but please always stress the positive aspects of our
movement. Do not repeat the dramatic mistakes of the
20th century. And let's start with ourselves. Let's be
wise, educated, and strong. Leave the ignorance to the
fools. Let's be responsible for our nations, our race,
and common heritage.
5. What is your vision
of the future of the White world?
I am not
optimistic. The modern world, in spite of its
technological achievements, is going to hell. (By the
way, that term is an old Pagan one: Hades in
Greek; Ad in Russian; Inferno in Latin and
Italian. It means the mortal sphere of the outside
Our White race is infected by liberal
ideals and capitalist standards. It is degenerating and
degrading. Switch on the TV, look around the Internet,
listen to pop music. What do you see? Stupid shows and
non-stop advertising for millions of passive spectators.
Transnational business needs you only as a consumer. You
must pay, buy, and cry with happiness! You are in a
golden cell (prison) and under sweet occupation.
The so-called Third World is following old
religious traditions and is growing. The White world is
making money and having fun. And it is dying.
State-provoked terrorism will not resolve these
problems. We need another way. We want a revolution
among Whites. An absolutely new alternative to this
vampirism. We want genetic improvement, cultural
renaissance, and political organization. Our dream is an
alliance of White nations, maybe a military bloc, maybe
an international pact or even a confederation. Not at
once, not in one day, but in a real and pragmatic way.
Of course I know that there exists a strong
global opposition to this "honey hell." There are
different forms of organized and leaderless resistance.
We are a proper part of this world "reconquista." Our
fight is our way of life. This is our way to be free,
honest, and proud. This is our way to Valhalla, to our
native gods and ancestors, that we call Iriy and
other people -- paradise.
Address: 109462, P.O.
Box 11, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ateney@yandex.ru
Web page: ateney.ru
The Original of the Article